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EVA what are the features of the egg wrapper?

Popularity:2959Publication time:2018-4-19
We all know that eggs are packed in the course of transportation and handling, so that eggs can be prevented from breakage because of collision. The common eggs are cartons of cartons. But carton egg carton can only solve the problem of damage to a certain extent, and it is also a safe, environmentally friendly, harmless method, but the scope of the carton egg care is relatively small, and many can not be recycled for two times. With the progress of science and technology, the new EVA lined egg tray has developed gradually, and the new egg tray packaging can be replaced.
The EVA egg lined tray has the advantages of fireproofing, moisture-proof, aseismic and thermal insulation, which is much different from the disadvantages of fragile, deformable and poor recovery of the carton egg tray. The EVA lining egg tray has two good recycling capabilities, and it can greatly reduce the breakage rate of eggs during transportation and transportation.
EVA inner egg yolk, a product made from a EVA material, has a very good caching performance. In the process of using a new type of egg care, we can modify the egg care, decorate the house with the egg, and make the egg turn into a very good picture frame. Install other fragile, easy to crack products to protect the safety of products. EVA egg lining can not only protect eggs intact, but also can be used for two times, for other products protection.
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