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What is EVA lining?

Popularity:5497Publication time:2019-5-24

EVA lining, as the name implies, is a product put into the EVA box, and then need a packaging outside, the EVA lining into this packaging, the packaging can be metal iron box, can also be white cardboard boxes or cartons.


EVA lining, as the name implies, is a product put into the EVA box, and then need a packaging outside, the EVA lining into this packaging, the packaging can be metal iron box, can also be white cardboard boxes or cartons.


EVA, which is made of EVA raw materials, color masterbatch, foaming agent and other foamed by high temperature. From different foaming point of view, there are environmental protection coarse porous EVA, ordinary EVA, food grade tasteless environmental protection EVA, fire prevention EVA and anti-static EVA. EVA sheet can be processed into EVA inner bracket, EVA pallet and EVA inner lining. In terms of hardness, there are EVA lining with 38 degrees of common hardness, 50 degrees of slightly harder and 70 degrees harder. In terms of performance, there are ordinary environmental protection EVA lining, fire-proof EVA lining and anti-static EVA lining. In terms of color, there are black EVA lining, white EVA lining and color EVA lining. In addition, some are called EVA inner boxes, EVA trays and so on.

EVA lining, EVA tray from the use of knife die stamping to modern computer cutting, with knife die stamping, some are a stamping process, some are to be pasted manually.

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